The largest change was color coding certain features such as registry cleaning and disk defragmentation as purple rather than red.

We have made hundreds of changes to PC Matic’s user interface to inform without overstating the benefits of using our product. Since the creation of Super Shield, PC Matic’s award-winning, white list real time protection, our company’s marketing and development focus has shifted to computer security and less on computer optimization. Malwarebytes believed that PC Matic was overstating the benefits for these users. Malwarebytes asserted that these features may have been appropriate for older systems, but no longer provided the benefits for newer systems such as Windows 10.
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Malwarebytes focus was on the PC Matic’s performance optimization code and a potential customer’s prepurchase experience. After that point, the Malwarebytes personnel were responsive and professional, including working through the holiday weekend. On December 23rd, we made contact with the proper people at Malwarebytes. The Malwarebytes detection began on December 5th, and we initiated efforts to resolve the issue. Both applications can once again co-exist on systems. PC Pitstop is pleased to announce that Malwarebytes is no longer flagging PC Matic as a potentially unwanted program.